HP35s Number Guessing Game

Coment Lbl Number Command
Label A 001 LBL A
  A 002 0
Start count of required moves at 0. A 003 STO C
Set bottom to 0. A 004 STO B
Set the display equations as text flag. A 005 SF 10
Display title and other info. A 006 NUMBER GUESS
  A 007 PSE
  A 008 FROM 0 TO TOP
  A 009 PSE
Input T, T is the Top of the range. A 010 INPUT T
Select a random number between B and T Rand generates X where 0 < X < 1 and since we are truncating we need top to be 1 higher. In other words if our range is 0 to 10 (T+1) - B = 11, if rand returns .00..01 our output is close to 0 and will be 0 once truncated. If rand returns .999..9 our output will be near 11 and will be 10 when truncated therefor all our numbers will be represented with nearly equal frequency. A 011 RCL T
A 012 1
A 013 +
A 014 RCL B
A 015 -
A 017 *
A 018 IP
  A 019 RCL B
Re-adjust for B back to correct range. A 020 +
Store the number to guess. A 021 STO N
  A 022 CLSTK
  A 023 GUESS
  A 024 PSE
Increment the number of guesses. A 025 1
  A 026 STO+ C
Get the players guess. A 027 INPUT G
  A 028 RCL N
If the random number was equal to thier guess: A 029 x=y?
Goto the winning line A 030 GTO A036
If the random number was less than thier guess: A 031 x<y?
Execute the 'TRY LOWER' routine. A 032 XEQ A045
If the random number was greater than thier guess: A 033 x>y?
Execute the 'TRY HIGHER' routine. A 034 XEQ A041
Then let them guess again. A 035 GTO A025
  A 036 YOU WIN
Clear the mess in the stack A 037 CLSTK
Reset the equation display flag. A 038 CF 10
Drop the number of tries on the stack A 039 RCL C
Return from the program A 040 RTN
The 'TRY HIGHER' and 'TRY LOWER' subroutines are seperate from main program flow because the program needs to clear the stack before showing the messages if this doesn't happen the correct number will briefly flash on the screen before or after the pause is executed. Both of these subroutines just clear the stack display the appropriate message and then return to the main subroutine execution. A 041 CLSTK
A 043 PSE
A 044 RTN
A 047 PSE
  A 048 RTN
LN=203, CK=2819