HP35s Quadratic solver

The program will prompt for A, B, C from f(x) = ax2+bx+c and then tell you what type of solution to expect one or two real solutions or two complex solutions. The solutions will them be left on the stack in x and y in the case of a single real solution x and y should be the same. For additional information the value of the discriminate will also be on the stack in z.

Coment Lbl Number Command
Label Q 001 LBL Q
Get the value for A Q 002 INPUT A
If A is 0 this is not a quadratic: Q 003 x=0?
So go handle the error and try again. Q 004 GTO Q022
Get the value for B Q 005 INPUT B
Get the value for C Q 006 INPUT C
Calculate the value of the discriminate. Q 007 B^2-4*A*C
Store the Discriminate in D Q 008 STO D
Set the display equations flag. Q 009 SF 10
If the discriminate is 0: Q 010 x=0?
Then there is one real solution for x. Q 011 ONE X
If the discrminate is greather than 0: Q 012 x>0?
Then there are two real solutions for x. Q 013 TWO X
Clear the display equations flag Q 014 CF 10
If the discriminate is less than 0: Q 015 x<0?
Goto the code for handling imaginary solutions. Q 016 GTO Q036
Positive 1 for adding the discriminate. Q 017 1
Execute the real discrimiate subroutine. Q 018 XEQ Q027
Negative 1 for subracting the discriminate. Q 019 -1
Execute the real discrimiate subroutine. Q 020 XEQ Q027
End of the main subroutine Q 021 RTN
Begin the A can't be 0 code. Set dispay equations. Q 022 SF 10
  Q 023 A CANT BE 0
  Q 024 PSE
  Q 025 CF 10
Goto ask users for input again. Q 026 GTO Q002
There real solution subroutine./ Retrieve the discriminate. Q 027 RCL D
Square root the descriminate. Q 028 SQRT(x)
Multiply by the value we dropped on the stack before.(1/-1) Q 029 *
Get B. Q 030 RCL B
Invert B because we need to add or subtract negative B. Q 031 +/-
Add the discriminate (which may be negative) to B. Q 032 +
Calculate 2A Q 033 2*A
Calculate one solution of x leaving it on the stack Q 034 /
Return to the main subroutine. Q 035 RTN
The Complex code./Set display equations. Q 036 SF 10
Reset the equation display flag. Q 038 CF 10
Retrieve the discriminate. Q 039 RCL D
Invert the discriminate so we can square root it. Q 040 +/-
Square root the discriminate. Q 041 SQRT(x)
Calculate 2*A Q 042 2*A
Divide the imaginary part of the quadratic by the bottom. Q 043 /
Drop the imaginary i on the stack Q 044 i
Multiply the imaginary part by i to make it imaginary. Q 045 *
Store the imaginary part. Q 046 STO I
Retrieve B. Q 047 RCL B
Invert B so we can have a negative B. Q 048 +/-
Calculate the bottom for the real part. Q 049 2*A
Divide to get the whole real part. Q 050 /
Save the real part. Q 051 STO R
Calculate the add solution. Leaving it on the stack. Q 052 R+I
Calculate the subtrac solution. Leaving it on the stack. Q 053 R-I
End complex code./End program. Q 054 RTN
LN=219, CK=52E5